Will an asteroid hit Earth in 2029?

Earth will experience a close encounter with asteroid Apophis, raising the question: Will an asteroid hit Earth in 2029? Earlier, there was a collision threat, but fortunately, the collision is no longer possible, so said the scientists. The apocalyptic asteroid, Apophis about 1,100 feet (340 meters) in size, is to approach our planet at only 19,000 miles (31,000 kilometers) on April 13, 2029. This ion encounter gives a great opportunity to investigate the asteroid more closely, and also advance the assessment of these natural formations, as well as methods to lessen the danger of asteroid impact upon our planet. Nonetheless, with no harm expected, the event intensifies concern for near-Earth objects and the need to observe them in the future. 

Asteroid hit Earth

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Will it crash on Earth?

Some such newspapers and reports were produced before which stated that the asteroid 99942 Apophis is to hit the earth in 2029. This particular asteroid constitutes one of the most dangerous types as it was found in the year 2004. Recent rumors such as the latest one which claimed a new Near-Earth Object came within 4. 7 million miles of Earth on April 12, have been countered by NASA and the space agency explained that while radar observation in March 2021 and orbit analysis did show Apophis coming close to the Earth, the asteroid would not impact the planet in the year 2029. 

A study by NASA then concluded that the Apophis asteroid would not impact the Earth. At first, the people feared that it would pose a threat, but later studies suggested that Apophis would not pose a threat to the Earth. This huge Asteroid, which is about 1,100 feet (340 meters) in width, is projected to approach close to the Earth at a distance of 19,000 miles (31,000 kilometers) or closer to some satellites on April 13, 2029. It could be a very narrow win but again there isn’t a menace of an impact. This is a good chance to learn about asteroids for the scientists by seeing them and thus make progress in studies and develop ways of protecting the Earth from such space rocks. 

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Where would Apophis hit Earth?

If any disastrous asteroid such as Apophis is to hit the Earth then the potential site of the impact can range from fixed because it relies on the path of the asteroid to move as well. Yet according to NASA’s investigation and the estimations today, the asteroid Apophis will not impact the Earth on the date it will be near to in the future on April 13, 2029.

If the worst ever happens and the asteroid hits the Earth, then that would depend on the point of contact on the surface of the Earth since the asteroid can hit at any location that it overlays. The effects of such an impact would result in an object several miles in diameter creating a crater of such size, large-scale devastation, and also environmental repercussions. The exact location where it may strike would greatly do a lot of damage if it occurs near a populated area or a large water mass. 

Thankfully after observing the trajectory repeatedly and calculating Apophis, NASA affirms, that although the asteroid will come much closer than satellites orbiting the Earth, it will not hit the Earth. It also provides an opportunity to track the movements of such objects particularly Apophis and improve knowledge of asteroid trajectories that in turn makes it certain that any future threat posed by such space objects can be easily predicted and averted. That is why although it is thought-provoking to discuss where might Apophis hit, the current investigations point to the fact that there is no threat shortly.

If any disastrous asteroid such as Apophis is to hit the Earth then the potential site of the impact can range from fixed because it relies on the path of the asteroid to move as well. Yet according to NASA’s investigation and the estimations today, the asteroid Apophis will not impact the Earth on the date it will be near to in the future on April 13, 2029. If the worst ever happens and the asteroid hits the Earth, then that would depend on the point of contact on the surface of the Earth since the asteroid can hit at any location that it overlays. The effects of such an impact would result in an object several miles in diameter creating a crater of such size, large-scale devastation, and also environmental repercussions. The exact location where it may strike would greatly do a lot of damage if it occurs near a populated area or a large water mass. Thankfully after observing the trajectory repeatedly and calculating Apophis, NASA affirms, that although the asteroid will come much closer than satellites orbiting the Earth, it will not hit the Earth. It also provides an opportunity to track the movements of such objects particularly Apophis and improve knowledge of asteroid trajectories that in turn makes it certain that any future threat posed by such space objects can be easily predicted and averted. That is why although it is thought-provoking to discuss where might Apophis hit, the current investigations point to the fact that there is no threat shortly.

Discovery of asteroid 99942 Apophis.

The asteroid, 99942 Apophis, was first spotted on the 19th of June 2004, by Roy A. Tucker, David J, Tholen, and Fabrizio Bernardi at the Kitt Peak National Observatory in Arizona. The asteroid that until mid-June was known simply as 2004 MN4 immediately attracted notice because of its size (up to 1,100 feet or 340 meters across) and because it passed close to Earth. This first information resulted in some observations that Apophis could collide with the Earth in 2029 with detailed estimations of about a 2.7% chance of impact.

But as the data was gathered and analyzed more perfectly, it was done to reduce Apophis’s orbit and thus, it can’t hit Earth in 2029. Later, the asteroid was named Apophis, which refers to the chaos deity from Egyptian mythology and corresponds to the first reactions concerning the rock. Thus, Apophis continues to be one of the most observed near-Earth objects; its 2029 approach when the asteroid will be at a distance of 19,000 miles (31,000 kilometers) from the Earth will help to get detailed information about such bodies. The discovery of Apophis also demonstrated the need and ways to get more familiar with NEOs to get their threats quantified and potentially be prepared for.

Can we watch the passing of Asteroid 99942 Apophis?

Yes, Asteroid 99942 Apophis will pass by the Earth in 2029 and it will be visible and believe it will be more of a spectacle to watch for both the researchers as well as population. According to NASA’s measurement, Apophis will be back on April 13, 2029, to pass within a distance of 19,000 miles (31,000 kilometers) from the Earth which marks this upcoming rock as one of the largest asteroids known to pose as a potential threat to the blue planet. 

This closeness in proximity is indeed very encouraging because Apophis as it passes in the sky will be seen as a bright speck of light moving across the firmament and will be visible with the naked eye in some regions of the world. It will be brightest as it crosses over the eastern hemisphere particularly European, Africa, and some parts of the Asian region. It will not be a big event like that of a comet but it will be a good chance for the observers of the heavens.

If one desires further details then the use of telescopes, and binoculars will be of even more value as the coming close to the earth as it whizzes past our planet. Further, all the different observatories and perhaps even the space agencies that are in correspondence with the celestial body are expected to provide live streaming and consecutive observation, of the event. Scientific opinion Is going to be the last chance for the public to see such a large-scale astronomical event and for scientists to gather crucial information on the asteroid. 

What would happen if Apophis hit Earth?

Answer: If asteroid Apophis finally strikes the surface of the earth, then this will be the worst thing that can ever happen to man. The collision would produce a very large hole in Earth’s surface that is frantically devastated; it would also produce considerable seismic and thermal byproducts. The type of the hit will also define the extent of the harm whether it is on the territory or the ocean; whether it concerned populated areas or caused tsunamis. Fortunately, today’s estimations do not indicate that Apophis poses a threat to the Earth in the year 2029 when it will approach the planet far enough to be considered a near-Earth asteroid.

If Apophis hit the Earth where would hit?

Answer: If, for instance, the asteroid Apophis collides with the Earth, then the location of impact will depend on the path of the asteroid. As for the current orbit of the asteroid, there are no exact calculated places already targeted. It must be noted that if the asteroid is bound to impact, then, it can happen anywhere along its path, on the land or sea. The impact’s consequences depend on where it is touching a populated zone and the loss would be tremendous, and an ocean effect would produce giant tsunamis. Although Apophis is anticipated to come close to the earth in 2029, there is no potential for impact in the 2029 fly-by.

Will an asteroid hit in 2036?

Based on the current forecast, no asteroid is likely to strike the Earth in the year 2036. Calculations made by various space agencies such as NASA have determined asteroid threats for this year. Some slight asteroids are discovered and watched while others can be dismissed because no asteroid is headed to the Earth in 2036. It becomes evident that any likely risks are well noted in advance to allow pre-planned precautions and or risk control measures if looked for.


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