About us


At Science Spherex, we're a collective driven by a shared passion: To be more precise, it also motivates those who watch it to go out and spend more time searching for more mysteries of the world or the universe people live in. Actively looking for a team of science enthusiastic, motivated, and committed journalists- writers- and researchers willing to ‘bring science to the masses’, to make science as popular and important as it should be. 

Our Mission

In one mission, we aim to improve the baseline of curiosity and creativity as students experience and discover the wonders of science. We achieve this by:

Making science accessible: As far as science is concerned, we transform complex data into beneficial wisdom that can be received by ordinary people who possess sound reasoning.

Inspiring exploration: We initiate the process of questioning and provide individuals the need to know more about science.

Showcasing the wonders: Science fiction is devoted to science's repulsive side while proclaiming its wondrous and inventive nature.

Science Spherex is a destination intended for positioning novice writers and content makers.

Develop their SEO writing and keyword research skills: In its turn, knowing about SEO we are sure that it plays a significant role in the modern world and it is necessary to take it into account. Thus, our vision is to assist our members in creating valuable content and writing high-quality texts that will be closest to the top of the search results pages.

Showcase their talents and hard work: Science Spherex is an opportunity for people with intensity to pass more information with extra interest and other people. To some degree, we think that everybody has his/her experience to share and that’s why we invite members to share their stories.

Join Us!

Science Spherex is an educational community that unites people who want to learn new things and generate content of the highest quality. We would like to welcome anyone eager to improve their writing skills, learn more about SEO, or wish to share their knowledge with others. Alone, we can become a valuable resource to anyone in science and way beyond. We encourage you to join us.

Our Team Members:

Founder: Md Rohan Islam

This website was Founded by Md Rohan Islam. Rohan is a very likable young man who loves scientific research articles, learning new things daily and wants to share with our audience daily. Apart from academic responsibilities, he learned so many things in his life. He is also an SEO specialist, SEO content writer, and Creative content writer. He writes so many articles on this website and others so many websites also. Now he is acquiring the ability to code and program a little bit more to this website. From the accomplishments highlighted by his curiosity, Rohan gained a silver medal in the Royal Commonwealth Essay competition in 2023. He also attended so many writing competitions and researched himself to write those creative stories. He takes his desire to learn and his talent into Science Spherex. Rohan Also manages the position of the Aachol Foundation’s executive content writer. 

Afia Jahan
 Co-Founder: Afia Jahan

This website is also a Co-Founder of Afia Jahan. Afia Jahan and Md Rohan Islam are classmates. They have mainly founded this website. Afia Jahan is an intelligent girl. She writes so many articles on this website. She is a good SEO content writer and creative writer. Recently she won the John Locke essay competition and was selected for the top 9%. Recently she has been learning Computer-based Microsoft skills and graphic design. Afia has the ability in professional photography, and arts and crafts making. Her features and characteristics including beauty and artistic nature, teachability, and ability to learn more make her an experienced asset to Science Spherex. 

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