Nuclear fission vs fusion what’s the difference?

Nuclear energy is one of the most powerful sources. That can change the field of electricity generation and the world's energy supply. There are two types of reactions involved with nuclear energy. One is fission and the other is fusion. Fission and fusion are natural atomic processes that release a huge amount of energy. But there are opposites in many ways. Fission is the process of dividing one large nucleus. They are usually heavy into smaller fissile nuclei whilst fusion is the closing of two or more small atomic nuclei. It is therefore important for anyone who seeks to understand the processes that shape future energy to have know-how on these processes. 

Fission and fusion are two nuclear processes this article will discuss comparing the two of this nuclear fission vs fusion. 

Table of Content

Nuclear fusion vs fission

What is Nuclear Fission?

Definition of Nuclear Fission 

There are several kinds of nuclear reactions and these are as follows; One of them is called nuclear fission. Where the nucleus of a heavy atom such as Uranium or Plutonium dissociates into two nuclei. These divisions cause the generation of a considerable amount of heat and neutrons which may in turn cause a chain reaction.


How Nuclear Fission Works 

In fission, a neutron joins atomic nucleosynthesis and knocks off an atomic structure. In what is known as an atomic nucleon. Which separates the nucleus into two smaller nucleons. Indeed, this process of division frees other neutrons from within the neutron nucleus. This uncharged neutron will then react with other heavy atoms causing it to split and hence fission. This continuous process is well followed in nuclear power plants to produce energy because the process occurs continuously in a sequence with a high degree of accuracy. 

Nuclear Power Plants:

The main use for it is in the production of electricity. However, there are numerous other uses for it as well. At the moment, nuclear fission is utilized by many of the world’s nations including developed countries like the USA, France, and China for part of their power supply. 

Atomic Bombs:

In weapon technology, nuclear fission has a significant use as witnessed by the atomic bombing of Japan during the Second World War. 


What is Nuclear Fusion? 

Definition of Nuclear Fusion 

Nuclear fusion is the actual integration of two small atomic boilers to produce a large atomic boiler. This process gives off even more energy than fission but only under tremendous conditions of heat and pressure that exist in stars say, the sun. 

How Nuclear Fusion Works 

In fusion, two light nuclei (which like to be isotopes of hydrogen such as deuterium and tritium) are compressed under high temperatures. When they combine, they release lots of energy mainly in the form of heat energy. However, the high process pressure and, accordingly, the method’s requirement to maintain extreme conditions on Earth. It is one of the major scientific and engineering problems. 


Real-Life Scenarios of Nuclear Fusion 

The Sun and Stars:

The sun and other stars are powered by a reaction described as fusion that involves the joining of hydrogen atoms into helium. 

Experimental Reactors:

Current experimental commercial reactors such as ITER which stands for International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor are being developed to make nuclear fusion a reality in sourcing Earth’s energy. 

What Is the Difference Between Fission vs. Fusion? 

Nuclear fusion combines several lighter nuclei into one nucleus while the latter. Nuclear fission courses a single heavy nucleus into smaller ones. Both processes release energy. Fission and fusion are both forms of nuclear energy. However, fission is the only one which is currently used in today’s nuclear power plants. 


There is also a fusion reactor that is believed to be short. However, it comes with some limitations that may make it less reliable in normal use. Meanwhile, we can access fusion power in a roundabout way, via solar power: That is what the ongoing fusion reactions mean they are powering the sun with its unending energy. 

Advantages of Nuclear Fission

Energy Efficiency 

During nuclear fission, energy generated comes from a smaller particle as compared to the amount of energy produced. Further, one kilogram of uranium-235 yields the same amount of energy as thousands of tons of coal thus in terms of energy yield uranium is very efficient. 


Current Technological Availability 

Other nuclear technology such as fission technology is already in practice and adopted by many countries to generate electricity. It has become an important source to wean off fossil fuels and decrease emissions of greenhouse gases. 

Cost Considerations 

The initial investment required to set up nuclear power plants is comparatively expensive but the cost of generating power is relatively lower in the long run than the cost of other sources of energy such as renewable energy sources.

Advantages of Nuclear Fusion

Abundant Fuel Supply 

In fusion, the isotopes of hydrogen such as deuterium and tritium are used as fuel. Deuterium can be extracted from water due to which the fuel in the fusion process can be considered inexhaustible. 


Clean Energy Potential 

Fusion emits very trivial amounts of radioactive wastes in comparison to fission and the byproducts are less dangerous. This makes fusion one of the clean energy sources that everyone desires to see come to reality. 


Future Potential and Challenges 

It is not technically feasible to generate useful amounts of power with fusion at the moment although there have been some outstanding breakthroughs in experimental reactors. If one thinks in terms of capabilities, fusion is almost unlimited clean energy. If scientists could merely figure out how to sustain the fusion reactions.

Nuclear fission vs fusion which is safer?

Nuclear fusion is free from the risks that are associated with nuclear fission. Fission, employed in most of the modern nuclear power plants utilizes heavy atoms such as uranium or plutonium releasing significant energy but generating long-lived radioactive waste. Fission reactions come with risks of melting down, as happened in cases like Chornobyl and Fukushima, where a nuclear reaction continues with no control, it can cause serious problems and radiation hazards. 


On one hand, there is Fusion which involves fusing lighter atoms such as hydrogen isotopes. In this case, the by-product is negligible, plus the process is safer by default. Fusion occurs at very high temperatures, therefore if these conditions are not achieved, the reaction is naturally brought to a halt, reducing the difficulty of uncontrolled reactions or meltdowns. Fusion also does not involve chain reactions which makes it easier to control as compared to fission. Even now, the concept of nuclear fusion is not as developed as fission, which is being experimented on, but the fact remains that it has the potential to be safer and cleaner than fission.

How Do Fusion Reactors Work?

The concept behind the operation of a fusion reactor is to join two light nuclei; more often isotopes of hydrogen that include deuterons and tritons in a high-pressure and temperature environment. The process resembles the reaction that occurs in the sun in which nuclei come together to form a heavier atom such as helium and in the process release energy in the form of heat. 

How Do Fission Reactors Work?

Fission reactors involve the division of heavy atomic nuclei such as uranium- 235 or plutonium - 239 into lighter nuclei with the help of a neutron. This process produces a large amount of energy together with a larger number of neutrons which continue to cause the reaction thus producing heat for power. 

Can Reactions Be Controlled?

Yes, now both fusion and fission reactions can be controlled; that is why the potential of a thermonuclear bomb is much higher than that of a simple atomic bomb. Fission reactors are typically controlled with the help of control rods which can absorb the excess neutrons, while the fusion reactors require the specific conditions to be kept temperature and pressure. If fusion conditions are not met, the reaction ceases naturally. The conditions called for in fusing are thus some of the most important elements in chain reactions. 

Does Fusion Gain or Lose Energy?

Fusion gains energy. Not only is the energy it consumes in creating lighter atoms less than the energy it releases when synthesizing heavier atoms. Fusion energy is by far greater than the fission type and this makes it to be a prospective future power source. 

How Important Are Fission and Fusion?

Both are required in so many processes that go into the production of energy. Fission is used in the nuclear power plants present around the world at present scenario where it contributes a large part of the electricity produced. Nuclear fusion together with basic science offers the promise of safer, cleaner, and essentially limitless energy but it remains a concept in laboratory tests. 

Can Fusion and Fission Work Together?

Yes, this is true and the concept is called the hybrid reactor that combines fusion and fission. Integrated energy may create neutrons for supporting fission reactions that may result in efficient and safe generation of energy. 

Nuclear Fission vs. Fusion A Comparison Table

Criteria Nuclear Fission Nuclear Fusion
Process Splitting of a heavy nucleus into smaller nuclei Combining of light nuclei to form a heavier nucleus
Energy Output Releases large amounts of energy Releases even more energy than fission
Fuel Uranium-235, Plutonium-239 Isotopes of hydrogen (Deuterium, Tritium)
By-products Produces radioactive waste Minimal radioactive waste
Safety Risk of meltdowns and radioactive contamination Safer, as reactions stop if conditions aren't met
Current Usage Widely used in nuclear power plants Still in experimental phase
Environmental Impact Produces greenhouse gases indirectly Cleaner with no direct greenhouse gases


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