3 Essential Laws of Robotics Explained

Although in the previous decades there were not many controversies related to the use of science and technology; nevertheless, in the recent years there began to appear problematic about the ethics of using robots and applications of artificial intelligence. The pioneers of ethical principles for robots have hitherto emerged from scenario thinking. Asimov’s three laws of robotics describe how people argued with each other regarding the co-existence of human beings as well as robots in society for quite a long time. It would be interesting to note that some of these laws might not have existed in actuality but at least they form a backdrop on which imagination and concepts regarding the threats that are linked with the superior interfacing of machines can be developed. In the following article with this title, the author will intend to depict these three laws, to demonstrate how they work and what their deficits are. 

Robot talks in men

Who Created the 3 Laws of Robotics?

It is with the three laws of robotics that Isaac Asimov wanted to present the readers, in a short story titled “Runaround,” published in 1942 in the Amazing Stories magazine as part of the Robot series. He came up with these laws to set moral standards for the robots and minimize the so-called Frankenstein’s syndrome or the idea that robots like Frankenstein were creations that would turn against their creator. By programming all these laws directly into the “positronic brains” of robots, Asimov theoretically answered the question of robot behavior to ensure that these robots will act only for the benefit of humanity. 


The laws became as basic to Asimov’s work and have served as a reference to numerous discourses on AI and robotics in the subsequent years. These laws need to be explained therefore let us discuss these laws one by one to understand what they entail. 

What About the Zeroth Law?

The Zeroth Law of Robotics later added by Isaac Asimov, reads: A robot must protect herself from causing harm to humans or in their absence prevent humans from being harmed. Not the choice of a nation, but for humanity as nations This law applies to you. While the original Three Laws are concerned with protecting individuals, The Zeroth Law allows robots to make decisions that will encourage what can be described as the aesthetic and moral savoring of life by a human collective. This is where the ‘rabbit hole’ of ethics becomes a tad murkier since, how would ‘trying to act best for humanity’ be defined beyond the whole concept being relative and apropos in almost absolute certainty not disentangled with other laws/form/majority?

The Three Laws of Robotics Explained

1. The First Law: A Robot May Not Injury a Human Being

The first law reads that:

"A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm."

Of the three, this is the most putting human beings’ safety as the highest priority. It calls for a robot to, must not infringe on the welfare of any human being in a manner that would cause them negative consequences, or fail to prevent a situation that may harm the said human beings.

Key implications:

Human safety has to be utmost. The point is that they are programmed not to harm people under any circumstances.

Robots should not harm anyone if possible to the extent of sacrificing other duties in order not to harm anyone.

That will relate to the safety of AI in the physical world, where lots of work is being done-for example, self-driving cars, whereby the programming avoids collisions, or healthcare robots with some kind of guidelines considered ethical.

The Second Law: A Robot Shall Be Obedient

The second law provides that :

"A robot must obey the orders given to it by human beings, except where such orders would conflict with the First Law."

This law gives direction to robots and dictates that they are to oblige to instructions given to them by humans. But if following those orders leads to an offense against a human being, then the robot is under the legal duty not to obey this law. This hierarchy is quite important because it places the safety of a human being above the duty of a robot to follow instructions.

Key Implications:

This robot has been designed to serve humans and follow instructions given by a human.

Ethical conflicts arise when the instruction issued by a human innocently or indirectly leads to the harming of another human. It is at this point, though, that the tough decision is supposed to be made by the robot, who should decline to carry out the instruction.

A good example is that of the industrial real-life robots, which do their work based on the way these have been programmed, yet they can be fitted with an emergency stop just in case anything goes wrong to avoid any accidents.

The Third Law: A Robot Must Protect Its Existence

The third law can be stated as:

”A robot should preserve its existence as long as the preservation of its existence is not in violation of the First or Second Law. ” 


What this law guarantees is that the robots do whatever they can to protect themselves, and it does not pose any threat to human life or other orders. The value of self-preservation remains valid; however, this is subordinate to obligations that belong to human beings. 

Key Implications:

They are not to be treated as expendables; instead, they have defense-in-depth measures that can sustain their functionality. They cannot be employed to place survival over safety as well as the instruction of people, thus consolidating their position as a subordinate species towards them. This may mean in practice it shows in robotics equipped with a self-defense mechanism like thermal regulators or power cutting mechanisms, but such systems always have to bow out to human lives. 

Real-World Implications of the Three Laws

While Asimov’s laws are seen as fictional, they represent many actual difficulties that are faced in robotic systems and Artificial Intelligence design. When the machines reach a certain level of understanding and self-awareness one learns the principles of safety, obedience, and self-preservation principles that are inherent in design and engineering. 


In fields such as health care, transport, and military technology utilizing such ethical principles becomes very relevant. For instance, self-driving vehicles have to put human lives first when making choices in a matter of seconds; healthcare robots have to follow doctors’ directions but also take care of patients.

If you want to read more about other futuristic concepts please follow the links Time Travel Possible in 2050. and What is the Probability of an Asteroid to Impact the Earth in 2029? In this, I check out other exciting possibilities that are out there in this world that may be a reality in the future!


 Limitations and Ethical Considerations

Despite the Three Laws of Robotics being a well-established set of rules they are not without their weaknesses. This is the information that most of the laws presuppose that robots are capable of grasping the ethical subtleties of a multifaceted situation. In real life, then it may not be easy to distinguish whether an action inflicts harm on other people or defies an order that requires moral reasoning. 

Conflicting commands:

Actual married situations touch on the aspect of following one human that could prompt negative for another since robots would have to make moral choices where there isn’t quite a clear-cut choice. 

Defining harm:

This means that as pertains to determining what ‘harm’ is, its defining factor might also depend on context. For instance, non-physical losses, such as abuse, torture, or manipulation could be more difficult for robots to measure than tangible losses. 

AI autonomy:

That is especially the case as artificial intelligence continues to advance and where there are increasingly overlapping distinctions between merely obeying instructions and actively choosing on one’s own. He later realized that some sort of judgment might be required in certain situations which is not governed by the first three laws. 

Despite the Three Laws of Robotics being a well-established set of rules they are not without their weaknesses. This is the information that most of the laws presuppose that robots are capable of grasping the ethical subtleties of a multifaceted situation. In real life, then it may not be easy to distinguish whether an action inflicts harm on other people or defies an order that requires moral reasoning. 


It is worth mentioning that it is a set of fictional rules, but it is worthy of being the ethical law regulating the robots’ behavior at the present stage. As for robots, they have a rational framework describing how such entities should behave around humans, and that list is as follows: safety first, obeying commands, and self-preservation. Although these laws are not fully accurate and come together with a lot of drawbacks, they remain widely popular to the present day in the sphere of robots and AI. 


Increasing the capabilities that robots and artificial intelligence possess, the problem of ethical frameworks like Asimov’s Three Laws shouldn’t be considered less significant. Regardless of whether it’s in the context of self-driving vehicles, the medical sector, or smart home devices the question of how robots should behave to assist the greater good will continue to be a crucial factor.


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